Unforgotten – a contemporary witness tells the story
3. July | 19:00 bis 21:00 Uhr

Thursday, July 3, 7:00 p.m.
(Un)Forgotten – A contemporary witness tells the story
Film evening with director Constanze Fleiner and contemporary witness Robert Eck
“(Un)Forgotten” is an intimate documentary about Robert Eck from Radolfzell. Now 96 years old, he represents the generation that experienced a childhood under the Nazi regime. His granddaughter and director accompanies him through a day full of memories in which past and present merge. The film shows the historical events in National Socialist Radolfzell through the eyes of a child who was there. The eyewitness account invites us to reflect on war, the loss of innocence and the lessons of history.
Fee: 5,00 €
To register, please send an e-mail to museum@radolfzell.de or call 07732 / 81-530 (Thursday to Sunday) is requested.
Venue: Stadtmuseum Radolfzell