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On the trail of your own family

  The descendants of the former owner family Ehrhardt visited the former town pharmacy on May 31, 2024.
They exchanged memories, marveled at the pharmacy’s remaining furnishings and explored the permanent and special exhibitions at length.
The museum team would like to thank everyone for the pleasant conversations and the stories about “how it used to be”!
(Photo: Hiltrud Lipps)  



International Museum Day 2024

International Museum Day on May 19, 2024 at the Radolfzell City Museum was dedicated to historical craftsmanship in the countryside. Demonstrations brought these almost forgotten skills into the museum. The numerous visitors were able to watch wool being spun, baskets being woven from willow and scythes being twisted. Children were able to try out their manual skills and lend a hand at the children’s wood workshop “Die Werkerei”. Museum educator Jacqueline Berl guided visitors through the special exhibition “Village life. Geschichte(n) aus den Radolfzeller Ortsteilen” and brought back to life the time of the old village, in which many things for everyday life were produced in-house. Finally, anyone who wanted to could take part in a museum quiz. A day true to the museum’s motto: We bring history to life! (Photo: Kurt Kalmbach)  

Vernissage of the new special exhibition

To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the incorporation of the districts of Liggeringen, Markelfingen, Möggingen, Böhringen, Güttingen and Stahringen into Radolfzell, these are the focus of the new special exhibition. “Village life: History(s) from the Radolfzell districts” The opening took place on March 27, 2024. The evening offered visitors the opportunity to be one of the first to see the new exhibition and to talk to others afterwards.  

50 years of town twinning

The town of Radolfzell and the town of Istres en Provence (France) have been close friends since 1974. On April 17, two school classes from Istres visited the city museum. They were given an insight into the permanent and special exhibition, learned about the history of Radolfzell and improved their German language skills.  

A look behind the scenes

The FSJ students’ social media project “Kultureinblicke” is in full swing. Every three weeks, they present the individual cultural departments of Radolfzell on Instagram. The posting series began on February 1 of this year.

Now it’s finally the museum’s turn! Take a look at “kulturradolfzell” to get a quick overview of all the information worth knowing and soon find out more about the director of the museum.

Links to our Instagram channel:


Fancy a voluntary social year?

After a long coronavirus break, the Stadtmuseum has been offering an annual FSJ position again since September 2023. If you are interested in museum work and would like to gain an insight into the planning of the next special exhibition, you are in good hands here. But that’s not the only thing: the city museum shares the FSJ position with the city library. This gives you an insight into two of Radolfzell’s cultural departments.